Minneapolis City Council Calls for Independent Investigation into MPD’s Failure to Protect and Serve Davis Moturi
Minneapolis residents deserve transparency and accountability in what looks like a case of MPD ignoring a hate crime for over a year.
MINNEAPOLIS — Earlier this week, Minneapolis Police Department Chief Brian O’Hara admitted that the police “failed” Davis Moturi, after Moturi was shot by his neighbor, John H. Sawchak, who had harassed and threatened him for over a year. Despite their rhetoric in recent days, Mayor Frey and Chief O’Hara attempted to skirt accountability by suggesting they would handle an investigation into the case on their own. The City Council stepped in to provide residents with accountability from the people who failed Davis Moturi.
The little we know from current reporting on the situation demonstrates an alarming lack of responsiveness from Chief O’Hara, MPD and Mayor Frey in the months leading up to what appears to be attempted murder:
September, 2023: Davis Moturi and his wife move into their home
Oct. 11, 2023: According to a criminal complaint, Moturi spoke to Sawchak about a tree on their property line. Sawchak told Moturi that if he “touched” the tree, Sawchak would “take care of” him.
March 1, 2024: Sawchak harasses Moturi, threatening to put him in the hospital.
April, 2024: Moturi files a restraining order against Sawchak.
May 28, 2024: Sawchak verbally threatens Moturi, calling him “a Black bastard” and telling him, “I’m going to kill you if you call the police again. All you people do is lie and commit crimes.”
July, 2024: HCAO charges Sawchak with felony threats of violence.
August 7, 2024: Sawchak, wielding a knife, threatens to kill Moturi and his wife.
October 8, 2024: Sawchak screams racial slurs and threatens to kill Moturi while brandishing a knife.
October 14, 2024: Sawchak points a firearm at Moturi.
October 23, 2024: Sawchak shoots Moturi.
October 24, 2024: HCDA charges Sawchak with Attempted Murder, 1st Degree Assault, Stalking, and Harassment.
October 25, 2024: CM Jenkins writes to Chief O’Hara asking why no arrest has been made. Chief O’Hara blames the victim.
October 28, 2024: Sawchak finally arrested by MPD.
Mpls for the Many Chair Chelsea McFarren had this to say about City Council’s decision to call for an independent investigation into MPD’s failure to protect and serve Davis Moturi:
One would think that after four and a half years of promises for real reform, millions of dollars annually for settlements, and a historic 22% raise, that MPD would at least make an effort to protect and serve the people of Minneapolis. But failing to execute a warrant issued by the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office for the arrest of a white man who repeatedly threatened his Black neighbor for over a year suggests that MPD has not made meaningful progress under the leadership of Mayor Frey, Community Safety Commissioner Todd Barnette, and Police Chief Brian O’Hara.
The level of negligence displayed in this case puts all of our communities in danger and undermines public trust in policing. It is unacceptable that despite historic increases to MPD’s already inflated budget, we can still not guarantee that when our communities make the call for safety that MPD will be there to protect them.